Water Service

Water Service

Customer Confidence Report

The City of Millwood’s Annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for 2016 is now available.  The CCR consists of the Water Quality Report and the Water Use Efficiency Report.

The Consumer Confidence Report is required for public water systems by the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments.  The CCR is a brief annual water quality report to summarize water quality data.  It also includes information on compliance, source water, and educational information.  The CCR lets citizens see where their water comes from and what the water system does to deliver safe drinking water to their homes and businesses.  It includes what contaminants, if any, are in their drinking water and how these contaminants could affect their health.

Click here to view the 2016 Consumer Confidence Report

Water Connection Charges

Plan Review Fee: $50

Water Permit/Inspection Fee: $100

Water Documentation Fee: $50

Water Tap Charge: $1,000

Water Service Fee: Materials and asphalt repair (charged at actual cost) estimate $1,000

Additional information on water service is contained in Chapter 13.04-13.10 in the Millwood Municipal Code.

Backflow Preventer Information

Why are they important and what to do about it…..

The City of Millwood is very fortunate to be one of the few remaining water systems that does not have to add chlorine to disinfect our drinking water. In order to maintain and protect our water quality the City is advising water customers with irrigation systems that backflow devices are required, and need to be tested annually.

The purpose of properly installing and testing an approved backflow device is to protect all of our customers from possible contamination.

Backflow means the undesirable reversal of flow of a liquid, gas, or suspended solid into the potable water supply; a backflow preventer is designed to keep this from happening. See the diagram below which shows one type of backflow preventer. There are several styles; this is just an example.

For more information about backflow prevention, visit the Spokane Regional Cross Connection Control Chapter website at http://www.src4.org/ed.htm.

The City maintains a list of certified cross-connection testers. If the tester that you wish to use is not listed, the tester needs to register with the City of Millwood before doing the work.