Utility Service and Accounting
Billing Period
Water meters are read on the last working day of the month. Bills are sent out on the 11th of each month for the previous calendar month.
Water Service (Resolution #2016-19, December 13, 2016)
Residential & Commercial Service
Base water rate: $26.75 (includes 1000 cu. ft. per month)
Excess usage up to 2,000 cu. ft. $.20 per 100 cu. ft.
Excess usage greater than 2000 cu. ft. $.30 per 100 cu. ft.
Public Irrigation Service
Usage up to 88,000 cu. ft. $.20 per 100 cu. ft.
Usage greater than 88,000 cu. ft. $.30 per 100 cu. ft.
Private Irrigation Service
Usage up to 22,000 cu. ft. $.20 per 100 cu. ft.
Usage greater than 22,000 cu. ft. $.30 per 100 cu. ft.
Sewer Service (Resolution #2016-19, December 13, 2016)
The monthly cost for sewer service is made up of two parts; the Monthly Service Charge and the Wastewater Treatment Charge
Monthly Sewer Service
Residential Service: $17.25 per month
Non-Residential Service
Basic Monthly Service: $17.25 per month
Excess Volume: $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. per/mth in excess of 800 cu. ft. based on non-irrigating season water usage.
Waste Water Treatment Charge:
Residential and Non-Residential $10.00 per month
Utility bills are due and payable upon receipt and become delinquent on the 11th day of the month following the monthly bill.
Service Fees
Account Servicing Fee $25.00
Delinquency Notice Fee $10.00
Disconnect Fee $25.00
Reconnect Fee $25.00
After Hours Reconnect Fee $125.00
Service Call $85.00/hr + parts
After Hours Service Call $135.00/hr + parts
Service Call (Team) $185.00/hr + parts
After Hours Service Call (Team) $235.00 /hr + parts
Meter Tampering Fee $150.00 per occurrence
NSF Check Fee $35.00
Connection Fees
Plan Review Fee $50.00
Permit Fee w/inspection $100.00
Documentation Fee $50.00
System Connection Fee $1,000.00 + parts, materials, & labor
Effective Jan. 1, 2011 $4,220
General Facilities Fee* Effective Jan. 1, 2012 $4,510
(*) GFC set by Spokane County Resolution No. 09-0673
A security deposit may be required from new or existing customers to insure payment.
Policies revised July 5, 2010, Council Resolution #10-10 and #11-09